Long, long ago and far, far away there lived a young King and Queen whose kingdom sat like a jewel in a luscious green valley.
This noble young king had a poetic soul, and he liked nothing more than to gaze through the window that overlooked his favourite lake to watch ducklings and signets and swans. He wrote beautiful songs for the lute, which he sang to his wife by the fire in the evening. However, I am sad to report that even although the good King always ruled wisely, his land was infested with gangs of bad-tempered gnomes, and capricious giants, and malevolent elves. Maintaining order in the kingdom became difficult and demanding and more and more of the King’s time was spent away from court. The great hall was no longer filled with song and laughter; instead, it lay quiet and still, and little by little, the poor peace-loving Queen faded, her brightness grew dim, till fearing for her very life the King appointed a steward to rule in his stead for a season, and whisked his young wife away.
They travelled in disguise to a far distant country, and as they journeyed together, the fair Queen revived. They danced with exotic strangers, swam in the setting sun, and flew to the stars on the back of the gentle south wind.
All was well until one day the Queen noticed a strange thing...her heart had expanded; she felt growing within herself a large space, a new room. So, she asked her good husband if they could send up to Heaven for a little piece of starlight; and that is how the courageous little Princess Emilie came to live there. They came back to their kingdom in the green valley and loved to take walks in the parkland with their beautiful new daughter, chase bubbles, play playdoh, and the King and Queen would listen quietly on the stairs as the funny little child sang happily to herself, hour after hour.
And all the while the King worked hard to bring order among his unruly subjects.
All was well until one day the Queen noticed a strange thing... that her heart had expanded; she felt growing within herself another large space, another new room. So, she asked her good husband if they could send up to Heaven for a new piece of starlight; and that is how the creative little Princess Melissa came to live there. They read books together, went beautiful picnics – sometimes sadly spoiled by bees-, and the King and Queen would watch quietly from the window as the two little girls played and danced on the lawn.
And all the while the King worked hard to bring order among his unruly subjects.
All was well until one day the Queen noticed a strange thing... that her heart had expanded; she felt growing within herself another large space, another new room. So, she asked her good husband if they could send up to Heaven for a new piece of starlight; and that is how the creative little Princess Melissa came to live there. They read books together, went beautiful picnics – sometimes sadly spoiled by bees-, and the King and Queen would watch quietly from the window as the two little girls played and danced on the lawn.
And all the while the King worked hard to bring order among his unruly subjects.
All was well until the the Queen noticed a strange thing...that her heart had expanded for a third time; she felt growing within herself another large space, another new room. So, she asked her good husband if they could send up to Heaven for yet another piece of starlight; and that is how the joyful little Prince Evan came to live there. He loved gurgling and bringing spiders to tea parties, crashing many lions throughout the length and breadth of the dolls house, and the King and Queen would listen happily as the charming little Prince spread laughter to every room in their palace.
All was well until the the Queen noticed a strange thing...that her heart had expanded for a third time; she felt growing within herself another large space, another new room. So, she asked her good husband if they could send up to Heaven for yet another piece of starlight; and that is how the joyful little Prince Evan came to live there. He loved gurgling and bringing spiders to tea parties, crashing many lions throughout the length and breadth of the dolls house, and the King and Queen would listen happily as the charming little Prince spread laughter to every room in their palace.
And all the while the King worked hard to bring order among his unruly subjects.
Then the Queen’s heart was full, so she was content; and the King’s carriage was full, so he was relieved. And they all lived…
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This is a very beautful story :)
ReplyDeleteI like being in it,
I've never been in a story before.
The king looks back relieved, from a new kingdom, after leaving behind the gangs of bad-tempered gnomes, capricious giants, and malevolent elves; thinking to himself that time has produced an expansion of his heart which has now been filled by the Prince and Princesses that have grown up and filled the rooms of the new palace. However the King is a bit uneasy that his recent carriage has a couple of extra available seats.