My Father...
My father is the kind of father who has a very big lot of axes and a very big lot of wood.
My father is the kind of father who pays for you to go on a lovely adventure with your mother to Minniapolis or Venice or Barcelona or Paris or Pisa, and then stays home to look after the swearing cat.
My father is the kind of father who tells a story about how you saved his life at your wedding when he is speaking at conventions, and then gets a tear in his eye.
My father is the kind of father who takes minor obsessions with things like baking, and buying cooking equipment, and starting computer clubs, and going to Ard Lui in the summer.
My father is the kind of father who retires early and buys my mother part of a mansion near the sea.
My father is the kind of father who teaches other people about word processing and how to make some head way with "Steps".
My father is the kind of father who competes with your son at computer games, and gets your girls flowers after a dancing show.
My father is the kind of father who takes one day at a time, and does not like Edinburgh that much, and tells the "Chief of Edinburgh" that fact - by accident.
My father is the kind of father who is over awed by no one, and treats window washers and millionaires just the same.
My father is the kind of father who creates a community out of strangers in the back shop or at Redheugh House, and also bakes good scones every Monday morning.
My father is the kind of father who takes you to the sea in the morning when you have chicken pox and lets you have dressing up clothes, even when you are far too old to play with them.
My father is the kind of father who likes to tell you how to put puzzle rings back together, whether or not you are paying attention. (you were not!!!)
My father is the best father in the world, and I am lucky he is mine, and you can't have him.